Jesus was either completely crazy, the best con-man in the history of the world, or he is who he says he is, the Son of God and Lord. Christ is the exact representation of God. He is powerful but kind, the perfect sacrifice but also lived life the way it should be, he is both holy and merciful. In short, Jesus is our friend and redeemer who enters into this world to take on our sin and feel our brokenness. God comes to where we are! No other religion does this. All others force us to work our way up to god. But with our God, Christ makes his dwelling with us so that we might know Him, and therefore, ourselves in the process. He is worthy of our worship.
God has not left us as orphans in this world. We are his children. But knowing God is not possible through our own effort or spirituality. Rather, we must gain access to him. Therefore, we know God through faith in Christ’s work on our behalf. It really is that simple! But knowledge is not a one time belief. Knowing God is a life-long endeavor. Thankfully, God has made himself known, through scripture, prayer, worship, community and faith. As you seek God out, use the means of grace that he has given us to know God more.