God’s picture of the church is not simply one involving weekly Sunday morning attendance. He calls us to love Him with our whole hearts, souls, minds, and strength – all day, everyday – but He didn’t leave us to do that alone.
Below you will find links to the pages which breakdown each of our areas of ministry. We want to set you up to have hope-filled discipleship in a loving community. If you have more questions or want to get connected, feel free to contact us at info@mitchellroad.org.

At Mitchell Road, we offer various opportunities for you to get involved in a loving community, such as Journey Groups (men's and women's discipleship groups), Community Groups (inter generational groups that meet on Sunday evenings), Safe Places (designed so the people of God can share their struggles with others in the journey of life), Mentor Moms, and Sunday School Classes. Click the button below to learn more about our Adult ministries.

Our desire is to build relationships with students in hopes of pointing them to Christ, helping them own their faith, and equipping them to serve the church and engage the world. We have Journey Groups for 5th-12th grade students as well as JH Night and SH Night for our large group gatherings. Click the button below to learn more about our Youth Ministry.
The Young Adult Ministry at Mitchell Road exists to connect people that are in a similar stage of life with the hope of creating a loving community where people in their 20’s and 30’s can belong. We believe that God created us to live in relationship with one another and to come alongside each other as we move toward Christ. Click the button below to learn more about our Young Adult Ministry.

"The prime of life isn't just in our 20s or 30s or 40s - by God's grace it's right now, in our autumn years. As we seek to fulfill MRPC’s mission to ‘know Christ and make Him known,’ PrimeTime provides ministry TO and BY senior adults at Mitchell Road through a variety of events, training, trips, and service teams. We hope you’ll join us!”
- Elaine Graybeal, Senior Adult Ministry Coordinator
Click the button below to learn more about who we are.
Mitchell Road supports over 75 international and local missionaries serving in 35 countries, through prayer, missions trips, housing and financial support. Click the button below to visit our page to find out more about who we support and how you can get involved.

We offer many opportunities to serve in our music an worship ministry including K4 - adult choirs, instrumental opportunities, and worship teams. Click the button below to learn more.
Discover the Mitchell Road Difference! MRCA’s small class sizes, biblical worldview, and academic excellence give our students an environment where they can develop character that glorifies the Lord. Our teachers are highly qualified and make learning challenging and fun. To learn more about all MRCA can offer your family, contact Bryce Martin at bmartin@mitchellroadchristian.org or (864) 268-2210 x338. Click the button below to learn more.

Our mission is to develop effective leaders that are more secure in Christ, confident in their calling, purposeful with their lives and joyful in their living.
We believe in the transformative power of the gospel and we are committed to partnering with recent college graduates to seek the welfare of our city. Click the button below to learn more.