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The mission of the Kids Ministry at Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church is to equip and train the next generation to know and love Christ, to understand His Word and hide it in their hearts, and to make Him known here and around the world by serving and loving others.


-MR Kids

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  • Nursery (6 Weeks - K3): Nursery for this age group are held in age-appropriate classrooms throughout the morning with paid trained staff.

  • Wellness Policy: Our desire is to provide the safest and healthiest environment for all of our children. With this in mind, we ask that your child be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to the nursery after experiencing any of the following: fever, diarrhea, vomiting, eye infections, or a rash.

  • Due to allergy issues, we are not able to allow any outside food or drink in the nursery classrooms. Children in the Crib and Toddler Rooms can have milk in bottles, but please avoid bringing milk into the older classrooms. Nursery staff cannot give baby food. Please label all belongings with your child’s name.


Walking alongside you, step by step



  • At MRPC we use an electronic check-in system called Fellowship One. F1 provides safety and security to our program for YOUR children!​​

    • Teachers are NOT permitted to dismiss a child without a parent receipt sticker with an alphanumeric code matching that of the child’s. If you lose your receipt sticker, please see the Kid's Ministry staff.

    • Fellowship One nametags have a place for important allergy and/or medical information. Information is printed in a small black line. The presence of the line alerts caregivers to important information. If your child has allergies or medical conditions that caregivers/teachers need to be aware of, please email Valerie Shuler ( as soon as possible, so this information can be added.

  • We highly value security. Therefore, ALL children in the Kid's Ministry will need to check-in.



207 Mitchell Road 

Greenville, SC 29615


Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:30am-5:00pm

Friday 8:30am-12:00pm


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©2024 Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church

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