Holy Week 2025
April 13 - Palm Sunday
Normal Morning Worship Schedule​
(Services at 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00am)
Start off Holy Week in praise of Christ our King, remembering His entrance into Jerusalem as our children’s choirs lead a palm branch processional.​
April 16 - Churchwide Fast
Beginning on Wednesday evening after dinner, we are encouraging anyone who is able, to join us in a 24-hour fast. We will break our fast together on Thursday evening at the Maundy Thursday and at the feast that follow.
April 17 - Maundy Thursday
5:30pm | Communion Service (Fellowship Hall)
6:30pm | Dinner (soccer field)
On the night he was betrayed, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and said to them, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34).
Every year on Maundy Thursday, we gather as a church to remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and reflect on this new commandment of love. This year will be particularly special as we fast together for 24 hours, beginning after dinner on Wednesday and breaking our fast as a church on Thursday evening. Join us for a Maundy Thursday worship service followed by catered dinner from Tipsy Taco on the field. Register below!
Nursery (Crib-K3) is available for the service.
Please pick up children before heading to dinner on the field!
No registration is needed for the service or nursery,
Registration for dinner is required.
($10 for ages 11+, $5 for ages 6-10, free for ages 5 and under) .
Registration deadline: April 9!
If you didn’t register, feel free to pack a picnic and join us on the field for dinner.
April 18 - Good Friday
7:00pm | Good Friday Communion Service (Sanctuary)
Follow Christ’s journey to the cross as we pour out our worship to the One who gave His life for us. Powerful scripture readings, musical reflections, and Communion help us consider our Savior’s amazing love.
Nursery (Crib - K3) and Kids Church (K4 & K5) available for the entire service.
April 19 - Silent Saturday
8:30am - 1:00pm | Spiritual Retreat
The goal of our Spiritual Retreats is to find refreshment through a personal time of prayer and reflection. Come with a spirit of expectancy for how the Lord will speak life into your heart, even as we wait with eagerness for the resurrection of our Savior.
Childcare is not available. Registration required.
April 20 - Resurrection Sunday
Celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection
during Easter worship!
6:45am | Sunrise Service
Bundle up and bring a chair to greet the risen Son. Our Easter Sunrise service will be held in the parking lot at the front of the church.​​
8:30am | Sanctuary Service
9:45am | Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall Services
11:00am | Fellowship Hall Service
Donuts and coffee from 9:30-11:15am – Stop by before or after worship!
Nursery (Crib-K3) and Kids Church (K4 &K5) available for all services, excluding Sunrise service. No registration needed.
No Adult, Youth, or Kids Sunday school classes.