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What should I do when first visiting MRPC?First of all, "Welcome!" We're glad that you will be joining us for worship. The first thing you should do is visit our Welcome Desk! They will get you set up to make sure that you are "in-the-know", answer any questions you may have, give you a free gift, and lead you to your desired location.
What denomination is Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church?We are a member of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), a family of churches subscribing to the biblically-based Westminster Confession of Faith.
When and where are your worship services?We have three worship services at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00am. The 8:30 & 9:45am services meet in the Sanctuary and the 11:00am service meets in the Fellowship Hall. Live Stream is also available on our YouTube channel.
What should I do if I have children or youth in 5th-12th grade?If you have children, try to show up twenty minutes ahead of the service to check in your children at the MR Kids Welcome Desk (located on the lower level, under the Fellowship Hall). If you have kids that desire to be in our youth group, take them to the gray youth building at the back of the parking lot.
What should I wear to church?At MRPC we want you to come as you are. Some men wear suit jackets, and a button up shirt while others wear a polo and jeans. Some women wear dresses while others wear pants and a shirt. There is no dress code! We just desire for you to worship with us.
Do women hold leadership roles at MRPC?Women play a crucial role in the life, leadership, and discipleship of our church. Many women serve as leaders of Journey Groups, Community Groups, Mentor Moms, Bible Studies, in the children’s and youth ministries, as well as alongside the Deacon’s mercy ministry. The women of MRPC are highly valued as a special gift from the Lord and the body of Mitchell Road could not function without them.
What kind of music is played at MRPC?Our 8:30 and 9:45 Sanctuary services use a variety of hymns (traditional and modern) and worship songs, with piano, organ, orchestral and folk instruments, and a thriving choir program. Our 11:00 Fellowship Hall service also uses a variety of hymns and song, and has the rhythmically driven sound of piano, drums, and guitars, softened by various folk instrumentation. You can expect some overlap of content and songs in the two services each week; we view them as “one worship language, merely in two different dialects”. It’s not uncommon for our church members to switch between services from week to week. We want all our services to be warm and inviting, and make it as easy as possible for all to worship well.
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